Professional Career College for Ontario Job Grants Program
December 29, 2022 2023-02-16 20:20Professional Career College for Ontario Job Grants Program
Ontario Job-Grant
NAB College is pleased to assist employers with their Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) applications.
The COJG provides direct financial support for employers - small, medium and large businesses to deliver short –term training to existing and new employees. This grant program allows employers to choose both the training that meets their workforce development needs and the individuals to be trained.
COJG is a shared investment between employers and the government. Up to $10,000 grant per person trained may be available to employers to re-skill employees in Ontario and bridging skills gaps.
COJG Quick Facts
The Government provides up to $10,000 per person for training costs.
Employers must contribute 1/3 of the total costs with some additional flexibility for small businesses to provide in-kind contributions*
Training must be less than 1 year, and be delivered by an eligible, third party trainer.
Employers are required to complete an application and submit it on-line in order for funding to be considered.
*Employers with 50 or fewer employees are required to contribute a minimum of 1/3 towards the training costs of each individual participating in training funded through COJG. A minimum of one-half of their one-third must be in cash and applied towards eligible training costs.
The remainder can be made in-kind through wages paid to individuals while they participate in training. COJG will cover the remaining contribution up to a maximum of 10,000 per employee trained.
Employers with 50 or more employees are required to contribute a minimum of 1/3 of training costs in cash.